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Endospheres Therapy

We offer a non-invasive therapy, free from side effects, and with results from the very first session that combats the appearance of cellulite leaving your body smooth and toned

Treatment Overview

Endospheres Therapy is based on the principle of Compressive Microvibration that generates a pulsed, rhythmic action on the tissues through the transmission of low-frequency vibrations that allows you to target the areas of your body that you want to improve.

The treatment is neither invasive nor painful: it will only cause a sense of muscular reactivation, which is very pleasant.

The method as a whole is very effective on the whole body, from your forehead to your feet.


Treatment time

45-90 min

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Duration of results

Up to 6 months depending on your lifestyle

Visible Results

After the first treatment

Risks & Complications

Rare and extremely minimal

Revolutionary treatment
that tackles everything from
skin rejuvenation to cellulite reduction and muscle toning!

Areas of Application

We offer a rejuvenating and non-invasive treatment that tones and tightens the body and face without surgery. The treatment addresses body and face imperfections, stimulating blood flow, oxygenation and improving lymphatic drainage.


Endospheres produces a vibration and pressure combination that we describe as ‘vascular gymnastics’ on the body. This ‘workout’ generates the drainage of fluids, reduces cellulite, improves local blood circulation, reduces pain, and improves muscle tone

The treatment combats the appearance of cellulite, even in areas of the body where fatty deposits can build up and traditionally be tricky to remove:

  • Legs

  • Arms

  • Buttocks

  • Back

  • Abdomen

  • Feet


Benefits of Body
Endospheres Therapy

Reduces Cellulite

Cellulite occurs because of hypertrophy of fat cells and water retention combined with poor circulation. Endospheres reduces cellulite by improving local blood circulation and smoothing the tissues of the problem areas.

Increases Healthy Lymphatic Circulation

Inefficient blood and lymphatic circulation can lead to discomfort. Endospheres reactivate local blood circulation and activate the lymphatic system.

Improves Tone & Texture

The Compressive Microvibration method works gently on the tissue to tone and firm yielding remarkable results and a more youthful complexion.



The treatment tones the muscles of the face to relax contracted muscles (expression lines), combats tissue sagging and reduces the appearance of wrinkles

It stimulates the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid to revive tired, dull or sagging complexions and re-awaken your natural beauty.

The treatment can be performed on the following areas:

  • Mouth

  • Eyes

  • Forehead

  • Cheeks

  • Cheekbone

  • Neck

Benefits of Face
Endospheres Therapy

Reduces Wrinkles

Endospheres helps to reduce wrinkles caused by lifestyle and environmental factors, such as sun and stress. The treatment guarantees extraordinary results in only a few sessions and leads to a rejuvenated, fresher and more toned complexion.

Illuminates The Complexion

There are a lot of factors that causing a ‘greying’ of the skin, reducing the skin’s natural colour, tone and radiance. Endospheres stimulates oxygen to the tissues, which nourishes the skin from within and restores its healthy glow.

Relaxes & Tones The Muscles

Endospheres relaxes and tones the muscles of the face to improve the skin’s appearance and complexion. The treatment works deep below the skin to stimulate the muscles, meaning a more toned, lifted, smooth face and complexion.


Available Treatments

We recommend booking a course of minimum 12 sessions to get the best long-lasting results. Please contact us to enquire about monthly payment plans to help spread the cost.




Trial Session & Consultation

£ 50

/ 30 min

Endospheres Face (25 min)

£ 65

/ one-time payment

/ 1 session

Endospheres Face (25 min)

£ 358

/ one-time payment

/ 6 sessions

£ 184.37

/ 2 mothly installments

Endospheres Face (25 min)

£ 650
£ 226.42

/ one-time payment

/ 3 mothly installments

/ 12 sessions

Endospheres Face with Alginate or LED Mask (~40 min)

£ 80

/ one-time payment

/ 1 session

Endospheres Face with Alginate or LED Mask (~40 min)

/ 6 sessions

£ 440

/ one-time payment

£ 226.6

/ 2 mothly installments

Endospheres Face with Alginate or LED Mask (~40 min)

/ 12 sessions

£ 800

/ one-time payment

£ 278.67

/ 3 mothly installments



See Results


Book your treatment today!

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